Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Have you got blueteeth?

Have you got blueteeth?

We have all seen the TV ad, where the technically challenged guy goes in for a cellphone upgrade, and then brags to his work colleagues about how he now has "blueteeth". The way technology evolves I personally am thrilled to be born into this boom! I just love anything technologically gadgetty! Ok so? Im glad you asked that....

Our great supplier FLUKE has just dropped off a unit for us to test, and initially I thought that the unit was well how do I say this.... broken, as the screen and the body were not really so much attached! In fact they were very much apart. (like when you drop the tv remote and insides lie scattered all over the floor) This usually spells doom for a gadget. (this is what i saw)

Remote display multimeter

Turns out the clever folk at FLUKE have designed a meter that you can plug leads in one end and run measurements, and unclip the display and carry it away from the test site (up to 10 meters away). You can imagine the uses, testing in a hard to reach place, where the screen is not easily visible.

They use Bluetooth technology which pairs the screen and body together when you "dock" them. You can use up to 10 units in the same room without everyone getting very confused. (ofcourse you can just dock the screen and use it as a normal meter).

We have a couple here which we can drop off and let you test them out if you would like to see how it works. Click HERE for a demo.

Want a full .pdf spec sheet? Click HERE

Our phone line issues from last week were sorted out, but looking at the sky today looks like more rain! Eish hope our telephone lines stay dry!

Best regards,

John Christensen

Christensen Tools
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