Normally if you give a price or "special" offer, the spam gods, decide to turf your email, and my valuable readers like yourself would miss out, and this is too good to miss out on.
Well after last month's mail about the Rusty Pool light I had a good chuckle when I read that some astronauts were really battling with Sticky bolts flummox astronauts. It was amusing that even with the amount of money that NASA spends on space kit they battle with similar problems you and I do.
The low down of this month's email has me a tad perplexed. As much as I want to tell you what is going on, I have to be careful to not anger the spam gods. So I have decided to post it to our blog and there I can give you the low down. Suffice to say that if you have drooled over one of these two bags (or both), it would do you the world of benefit to scoot along to
CK 2632 priced @ R515 excl. vat & the CK 2631 Rucksack priced @ R429 excl. vat
These prices represent a discount of 50% off the normal selling price! That's a great deal!
We are offering these two bags at a never before seen pricing model. The sales Director Bernd at CK called me and said they had made an error while ordering and were now sitting with masses of extra bags, and could we assist?, I jumped in and ordered hundreds, as I know how popular they are. Word got out to my sales guys and even before they have landed we have sold off more than half of the shipment. If you would like to enjoy one or a few of these bags for yourself or your technicians, please don't delay, drop us an Email or Find us here.
As with all good things, this offer will come to an end. Prices available while stocks last.