Sunday, July 5, 2009

Under the Spotlight

Christensen Tools

Specialist Tools & Equipment

Under the Spotlight

The ladies in my family are very industrious, they love to sew and knit and do all those lovely things that end up with a completed quilt! Ideal for the cold weather we are now experiencing in Johannesburg! What the h*ll has that got to do with electronics I hear you say?? Well the fact that they do is a little immaterial (to you), but the process they use is what is important. When they tackle a task or project that is intricate and needs to be done right, and it will be the same for you; we discover that our eyes that were as sharp as that of the preverbial hawk, are now peering through a set of glasses. (much to our dismay)

FEM SL-114

It's not ladies doing knitting and sewing that benefit from the advances in technology, but us too! Doesn't it make more sense to have the object that we are trying to manufacture / repair / check out well lit? (and magnified), now there's a bonus.

We are glad you asked, because that's exactly what the Illuminated magnifyer does! Its small enough to fit on your desk, it has a nifty desk clamp, which enables the lamp to swivel, it has sprung elbows to enable it to hold a position, and it plugs into 220v!

This beauty is now on special click the image (above) to find out just how much, and it is available in dashing white.

Best regards,

John Christensen
Christensen Tools

Please call us. We do everything in tools.

You will find us here

11 Jules Street

Cape Town
Unit 42
Woodbridge Business Park
Koeberg Road

99 Stamford Hill Road

Our Range

Here is some of the Kit we offer:
Fluke Meters
Toolkits & Cases
Soldering & Desoldering
Screwdrivers & Allen Keys
Test Equipment
Spanners, Wrenches, Vices & Lamps
Insulated 1000V Tools
Power Tools
ESD-Static Control
Garmin GPS

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We've been tool specialists since 1965.

That's three generations of Christensens committed to getting you the best equipment for your task, whether you're a trainee technician or a seasoned pro.


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Chrisensen Tools
P O Box 33042 JEPPE GAUTENG 2043 South Africa