Monday, May 11, 2009

How Static Blows Up Your Costs

Christensen Tools

Specialist Tools & Equipment

How Static Blows Up Your Costs

More than 70% of the time, when things go wrong with your technology it's static. We don't like to admit it, I know, and we blame a lot of other things. Luckily your clients don't know that!

Have you ever done this? I know I have. You walk up to your desk, ready to start for the day, touch your work surface and there it is *TWAK*. And that sickening feeling - "Oh Bother, now I've really done it!" (you may use stronger language if you wish).

If you live in the Highveld the problem gets even worse! Highveld winters, when the static electricity caused by the dryness make your hair stand on end and shock you every time you touch a door handle, is really a killer for technology equipment.

It’s easy to put anti-static measures in place, and the rewards for doing so can be great. Please have a look at our 2009 Static Control range:

Wrist Straps & Accessories

Norastat Table Mats

Field Services Kits

Static Dissipative Gloves

Polyurethane Foam (PU)

Metriso 2000- Test Kit

I know it sounds like I'm trying to sell you stuff, but according to some very robust studies (don't expect them to be as readable as this email though), every rand spent on anti-static will save at least ten times that amount in losses. That means your next pair of dissipative gloves you buy is going to save you R720 this year alone.

How much is static costing you every month?

It’s easy to put anti-static measures in place, and the rewards for doing so can be great. We think we can save your business money and help you run more smoothly. Please have a look at our Static Control range here.

Best regards,

John Christensen
Christensen Tools
Please call us. We do everything in tools.

* Namaguchi & Uchida (EOS/ESD Symposium 1998 245-251
* Stephen A. Halperin, "Guidelines for Static Control Management," Eurostat, 1990

You will find us here

11 Jules Street

Cape Town
Unit 42
Woodbridge Business Park
Koeberg Road

99 Stamford Hill Road

Our Range

Here is some of the Kit we offer:
Fluke Meters
Toolkits & Cases
Soldering & Desoldering
Screwdrivers & Allen Keys
Test Equipment
Spanners, Wrenches, Vices & Lamps
Insulated 1000V Tools
Power Tools
ESD-Static Control
Garmin GPS

Download Catalogues Here

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About Us

We've been tool specialists since 1965.

That's three generations of Christensens committed to getting you the best equipment for your task, whether you're a trainee technician or a seasoned pro.


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Chrisensen Tools
P O Box 33042 JEPPE GAUTENG 2043 South Africa